Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blogger Beginning~

Hey, peeps!

Not much happening today, as I've only gotten to play for a few hours. I started the day off in Giddeus, where the ground was drenched in bird blood! I also happened upon the guy in the picture at the top! He dropped Light Solea, which I should have kept. But today was "Yagudo Necklaces onry!"

In total, I managed to get 64 necklaces, which was two trips because of my tiny inventory. I think I only need another 100 or so and then it'll be off to do The Sahagin's Stash and get the Utsusemi: Ichi scroll I need to level my NIN. My gameplan for that is to alternate between BST, which is currently at 50, and NIN at 10 right now. I'm going to get NIN to 15 before I get back on BST and start leveling and working towards my AF! Only two levels at a time, though. Rocket is going to be a baby cow someday. :3

That's all, folks! I've got a lot of r/l stuff to do today, so I won't be getting on the game again until tomorrow. /cry

Also, you'll probably notice the ads on my page. Yes, it's annoying but I could sure use the slight income. :D Clicky clicky please! <3

EDIT2: This is my last edit, I swear! I made a mule named Everdoom. >:3 He's another Tarutaru. <3

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