Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some CoP crap :3

Right. Yesterday, Leek and I ran off to two promy zones to rape us some Empty and get some recollections!

I did get the three I need to convert to anima with the dude in Ru'Lude Gardens. Leek got a shitload of memories (and so did I, but a few less). And as another LOL, I got about 1k worth of exp in there, even after dying once.

Now, I wish I could do my promies soon, but it looks like I'm going to be busy all week and probably moreso later on too. ; ;

My NIN is still at 14, lol. I probably won't touch it for a while because the cost is annoying me. I actually made an Utsusemi macro that says {Goodbye.} {money}!

So yeah. Uh... not getting on at all today, even though it calls to me and tugs and pulls and stabs at my heartstrings begging and crying. ; ;

Lol. Not that badly. Also, congrats to the people in yesterday's run, most of whom I guess got access to Tavnazia for the first time ever. I am envious. :3

On another note, I'm still having trouble finding a job and another place to stay, since my stay at the shelter is going to end at the end of this week, I think. I'm trying to prioritize things, hense why I'm not logging on today. Got a visit to Dell Corp in an hour that will hopefully lead to a job since I have experience assembling computers. I also inquired via email about courses online in Programming, since I see myself doing that for a career. Lots of money to be earned there.

Alright, well, I think that's all. Might be an update tomorrow too. Maybe. If you're interested in stuff that isn't FFXI. XP

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Subjobs go!

Late update :D

I wasn't on yesterday, I spent the day at my girlfriend's house. Today I'm leveling Ninja!

I'm already down about 15k, so that's... ya know... awesome.

No pictures right now. I'm almost to NIN15 and then I think I'll take a break for some BST fun. :3

Remember, clickeh clickeh on teh ads to make Rocket some money! <3

Disclaimer: No, you don't really have to.

EDIT: So I ended up logging off after a couple hours. Today's a boring day and I don't feel like playing. o.O Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blogger Beginning~

Hey, peeps!

Not much happening today, as I've only gotten to play for a few hours. I started the day off in Giddeus, where the ground was drenched in bird blood! I also happened upon the guy in the picture at the top! He dropped Light Solea, which I should have kept. But today was "Yagudo Necklaces onry!"

In total, I managed to get 64 necklaces, which was two trips because of my tiny inventory. I think I only need another 100 or so and then it'll be off to do The Sahagin's Stash and get the Utsusemi: Ichi scroll I need to level my NIN. My gameplan for that is to alternate between BST, which is currently at 50, and NIN at 10 right now. I'm going to get NIN to 15 before I get back on BST and start leveling and working towards my AF! Only two levels at a time, though. Rocket is going to be a baby cow someday. :3

That's all, folks! I've got a lot of r/l stuff to do today, so I won't be getting on the game again until tomorrow. /cry

Also, you'll probably notice the ads on my page. Yes, it's annoying but I could sure use the slight income. :D Clicky clicky please! <3

EDIT2: This is my last edit, I swear! I made a mule named Everdoom. >:3 He's another Tarutaru. <3